Nurseries Palm Oil

Seed is one of the critical success factor in oil palm plantations. Good seed will only be obtained if the use of improved seed from official sources handled properly in accordance with the standards of the oil palm nursery. Oil palm nursery formerly done by planting directly on the ground in the area of ​​the nursery (nursery field), but this way has many drawbacks amount of competition problems with weed seeds, the amount of fertilizer lost through washed, and many other disadvantages. This mature oil palm nursery has undergone many significant progress.

At this time, known as 2 (two) system palm nurseries, which are: 1. Breeding one stage (single stage) and 2. Seedling two-stage (double stage). At one stage nursery seed planted directly in a large polybag. In the two-stage seeding seeds are planted in small polybags for 3 months or called the nursery early (pre Nursery), then moved to a polybag seedlings large or referred to as the main breeding (Main Nursery). Double-stage seeding system is breeding is mostly done by the oil palm planters today.

Before doing nursery should do some preparations, including the preparation of nurseries, nursery administration, and infrastructure development as the carrying capacity of the nursery.Selection of thelocation of the  nursery became one of the most important things to ease the implementation of the nursery. Selection  of nurseries in general must meet the following criteria: Nursery acreage cultivated  area is a flat (flat) not flooded or flooded during the rainy season.Nursery should be close to a water source (river) so that  the seeds can obtain water during in seedling. Cultivated nursery not far from the planned planting area, this is in addition to minimizing transportation costs, as well as to minimize the risk of damage due to the transport of seedlings.The location is easily accessible nursery so easy to supervise. And the nursery should be free from interference livestock, and oil palm plant pests and diseases, especially diseases stem rot (Ganoderma sp). In addition to selecting the right location, construction infrstukrut such as water tanks, water pipelines and its distribution right has also become an important factor in plant breeding activities of palm oil.

PREPARATION INITIAL BREEDING Selection polybag In general, a standard measure used in the polybag nursery early stage (Pre Nursery) are: width 150 cm, height 22 cm, and a thickness of about 0.1 mm. otherwise it should have a black polybag so that the roots can develop optimally. charging polybag Polybag should be selected to fill the loose soil (usually giunakan top soil) are of course free of germs. Before polybags filled with soil should be reversed (the inside into a wide section) in order polibeg can stand upright once filled with soil. Making Beds The pile is built with a size of 1.2 m x 8 m restricted with small as timber or flat cross-section so that the composition of upright polybag. Watering so that water does not stagnate dibedengan the seedbed surface is usually made higher than the surrounding ground level. Before drafting polibeg in the beds should be carried out by spraying an insecticide / nematicide that bendengan be Stril of pests and diseases.

Making shade The seedling
Shade the seedlings early (pre Nursery) is necessary to regulate the entry of sunlight 
in accordance with the needs of plants so that the plants can grow well. Shade is made with a height 
of 2.5 meters with a width + is generally adjusted by the number of beds that are shaded 
(generally 2-3 beds). Roof shade can be made from palm or reed leaves tied in such a way, while pole  shade can be made of wood or bamboo. So that sufficient sunlight for the plants it is necessary to
reduce the shade in line with the aging of the seeds. To that after 2.5 month old seedlings, the reductionof shade as much as one frond every 2 weeks.

Mistakes are often made farmers in handling multi seed embryo is no separation of the seeds are derived from multi embryos to be planted in the ground or throw one seed that comes from multi seed embryo .

Seed Handling TwinsUtilization of twin seedlings (multi embryo) is very important, because it can save considerable cost.

Based on observing the results of which can be done dikatan that the overall growth of seedlings separation twin seedlings have smaller growth than single seed. Genetically seedlings originating from seed multi embryos can be used as plant material if other factors, especially the performance of growth
in phenotype, can qualify to be planted. Multi embrio seed seedling origin have smaller in PN compared to seeds derived from a single embryo because it is associated with a backup supply of food for growth. Seedling growth is also slower when in MN for their stagnation factor when moving from  PN to MN. To enhance the growth of seedling origin of seeds multi embryo fertilization extra , for pembibita  recommended initial dose is pembrian fertilizer urea fertilizer or compound fertilizer with concentration of each 0.1 to 0.2 % and from 0.15 to 0.30 % by the time application once every week .