The role of the Fire and Silkworm Silkworm Pouch

Caterpillars fire and caterpillars bag is one type of palm leaf-eating caterpillars that most often lead to huge losses in oil palm plantations. Severe attacks of caterpillars fire can reduce production by 70% in the first year after the attacks, and may reach 90%. Silkworm bag is one that many of us have encountered pest attack on oil palm plantations. Hallmark of caterpillar bag is to live in a building like sac derived from pieces of leaves, flower stalks of the host plant, around the area of ​​the attack. Very active sac larvae eat while making the bag of leaf pieces were a bit rough or coarse. Furthermore, the larvae move and eat by simply removing the head and front legs of the hole. The larvae initially located on the upper surface of leaves, but after switching the greater sac hanging surface section under palm leaves.
The types of fire caterpillars commonly found is Setothosea asigna, Setora nitens, Darna trina, Darna 
diducta, and Darna bradleyi. Caterpillar type of fire most merupasak in Indonesia is S. asigna, 
S. Nitens and D. Trina. Sethosea asigna van Eecke is one of the most important fire caterpillar on a 
plant oil palm in Indonesia. Caterpillar says to fire as pests that often cause heavy damage and very 
harmful. Larval stage lasts for 49-50 days and were able to spend palm leaf blade measuring 400 cm or
approximately four palm leaves. The attack larvae of S. asigna in the field generally result palm leaves
out very quickly and shaped sticks. The plant can not produce bunches production for 2-3 years if an 
attack has occurred very heavy. Generally, symptoms begin attack from the bottom leaf to leaf blade 
perforated finally exhausted and the only remaining bone leaves. This caterpillar is very greedy, able 
to consume 300-500 cm palm leaf per day. The population level 5-10 larvae per stem of a critical
population of these pests in the field and control measures must be taken immediately.

Metisa plana is one type of caterpillar sac that usually attacks in the oil palm plantation area of ​​North Sumatra . M. palana larval stage consists of 4-5 instars and lasts about 50 days , but the number of instars can be increased in a bad state when the larvae fail to reach a certain threshold size to become a pupa . At the time chrysalis , smooth outer surface , a length of about 15 mm and hang like hooks on the surface of the leaf Dawah . Pupal stage lasts 25 days . Moths M. plana female can produce as many as 100-300 grains during his lifetime . M Plana larvae usually hatch synchronously bag female pupa within 18 days and after 15 days the sac larvae will come out either simultaneously or in small groups . The release of the larvae of the bag tergentung on the weather , sunlight and wind .
Although today has some of the ways pendalian caterpillar pests fire , but the use of synthetic chemical 

insecticides destruction masik common way in oil palm plantations , especially in times of population  explosion . The highly effective way to reduce pest populations , so that the oil palm trees can be 
protected from damage . To get the fire control caterpillars and caterpillars bag is good, then before the new types of insecticides recommended for use , first performed testing of the insecticide to be used  which is expected to be selective for the target pest and influence whether fitotoksisitasnya against palm oil . Klorantraniliprol is one of the active ingredients of synthetic chemical insecticides are  thought to have a higher efficacy against larval stage of the insect order Lepidoptera .