Know Your Plant Best Materials Palm Oil

As a first step in the implementation of the nursery, of course, the selection of plant material that has become quality is one of the main factors of success in the cultivation of oil palm that has a good quality is produced through a controlled cross between the elders and the elders psfera dura. From the results of a controlled crossover will be produced plant oil palm tenera manifold, which has advantages in oil productivity than the parent. Sprouts quality have physical quality, physiological and genetic quality was good. Then comes the question of how to distinguish the original seeds from seed producers with seeds that a fake? For an expert though, will have trouble distinguishing the original seed (superior) or false if only to see the visual seed. Ask whether or not the seeds will look after the seed is planted and produce fruit. Therefore, the easiest way to obtain superior seed is to buy it directly to the source of the official appointed by the Government. The problem is how to obtain the high-yield seeds.

PPKS (Palm Research Center) as a producer of oil palm seeds of the first and one of the largest this time has produced 12 varieties of palm with their respective advantages. How sprouts ordering in PPKS quite easy, for prospective individual enough to make a request to include a photo copy of identity and a certificate of land ownership / chiefs of the local village. As for the company, made a written request from a company that is accompanied by a certificate of approval of the seed delivery (SP2MB) from local estates department. This SP2MB must have for bookings over 1000 items, this is done to prevent tampering sprouts. After fulfilling these requirements, the buyer just come into the marketing department PPKS.

Safety Tips obtain a superior oil palm seeds
1. Purchase seedling / seed at the appointed The government's producer as a producer of oil palm seeds, one PPKS. Try to come alone, and do not ever represented.
2. Never trust with brokers or person purporting to eject the seeds through the "backdoor". Once you believe, so you will not be fooled.
3. Each sprouts culled in PPKS always destroyed and witnessed by officials PPKS, so do not even believe in the market that claim to sell salvage seeds at low prices.
Purchase Requirements in Oil Palm Sprouts PPKS
A. Individual
- Make a petition on behalf of a private
- A maximum of 1,000 reservations grains, when more than 1,000 seed then must enclose Seed Distribution Agreement (SP2MB) of local Disbun.
- Land ownership certificate of headman / local village heads.
- Copy of driver's license / ID card is still valid.
B. Company
- Make a written request from the company
- Attach SP2MB