Mucuna bracteata is a type of legume ground cover that comes from the highlands of South India kerala. Legume cover crops are widely used in plantations in Indonesia as LCC (LCC) of land as a form of application of the BMP which aims to maintain and improve the physical and chemical properties soils and reduce the use of pesticides because of Mucuna bracteata can improve soil fertility, controlling erosion and can control weeds competitors.

Mucuna bracteata has known enough and very popular as a ground cover legumes in crop acreage of plantation land either rubber or oil palm. This is because growth is good enough to power a perfect ground cover, so it is very effective and efficient for controlling weeds in the plantation. Pulses acreage planted ground cover can increase productivity up to 29% compared to TBS in area with natural ground cover vegetation. Mucuna bracteata also has the characteristics of rapid growth, high nitrogen fixation, shade-tolerant, drought resistant, not palatable, relatively resistant to pests and diseases, efficient in preventing soil erosion and suppressed the growth of other weeds.

Type legume Mucuna bracteata has some uniqueness and certain advantages compared with other nuts ground cover, namely:-Growth are robust-easy built with a low number of seeds-Not palatable-  to drought stress- chemical compounds are alelopati for nuisance weeds-production high biomass-  high against pests and diseases and is not a host-  energy and chemical needs to build low-  good soil erosion 
Mucuna bracteata has advantages or advantages compared other ground cover. Another advantage gained by using ground cover type of legume Mucuna bracteata that besides the seed needed only 200-300 grams / ha and 400 cuttings / ha, this plant is very tight and fast growing ground cover with a thick layer to form, grow vines and roots that in so high potential in rehabilitating the land