rot disease is one disease that is known to have attacked oil palm in various
parts of the world. The disease attacks and cause damage to young tissue
(dashed). Pupus foul appeared in various types of symptoms, which became known
by various names according to the appearance of symptoms in the field.
foul or better known as spear rot is an important disease in Latin America
because of the loss that has caused very high. In Southeast Asia, including
Indonesia spear rot disease is still relatively minor illnesses because of the
intensity of the attacks and the loss rate is still low. However, the new -
this new disease began to rot spear found in some plantations in North Sumatra.
In oil palm plantations peatland located in Sibolga, North Sumatera, attack
spear rot found in oil palm plantation area of immature (TBM) with a very
high attack rate. Meanwhile diperkebunan mineral lands in the district
Simalungun and Begadai Serdang, North Sumatra spear rot diseases known to
attack plants and plants producing TBM (TM) was 5 years old.
Pathogens originator of disease
Almost all pathogen suspected to be associated with rot disease were dashed that a common characteristic, that is pathogen weak that its existence was detected in many ecosystems and attack various crops, invade and grow in the plant tissue that has been weakened by environmental stress, and attacked the meristem tissue actively growing particularly on shoots and roots. Generally, some pathogens can be isolated from the same plant. Therefore, the use of different types of pesticides (fungicides, nematicides, bactericides and insecticides) are often used together in one plant to prevent or control this disease.
Know the symptoms of disease in foul dashed.
In the early stages of its development, rot disease symptoms vanished difficult to recognize so difficult for early detection of disease in the field. The initial symptoms of the disease is generally characterized by the appearance of patches of necrosis on leaves some children at one or more leaf spear and then widened to the entire leaf.
Trigger factors of disease
Some of the trigger factor that has been linked to attacks including spear rot : poor soil aeration ( due to poor soil structure , soil compaction , poor drainage , etc. ) and plant nutritional imbalance , especially when the intake of nitrogen in plants .