Mucuna bracteata is a type of legume ground cover that comes from the highlands of South India kerala. Legume cover crops are widely used in plantations in Indonesia as LCC (LCC) of land as a form of application of the BMP which aims to maintain and improve the physical and chemical properties soils and reduce the use of pesticides because of Mucuna bracteata can improve soil fertility, controlling erosion and can control weeds competitors.

Mucuna bracteata has known enough and very popular as a ground cover legumes in crop acreage of plantation land either rubber or oil palm. This is because growth is good enough to power a perfect ground cover, so it is very effective and efficient for controlling weeds in the plantation. Pulses acreage planted ground cover can increase productivity up to 29% compared to TBS in area with natural ground cover vegetation. Mucuna bracteata also has the characteristics of rapid growth, high nitrogen fixation, shade-tolerant, drought resistant, not palatable, relatively resistant to pests and diseases, efficient in preventing soil erosion and suppressed the growth of other weeds.

Type legume Mucuna bracteata has some uniqueness and certain advantages compared with other nuts ground cover, namely:-Growth are robust-easy built with a low number of seeds-Not palatable-  to drought stress- chemical compounds are alelopati for nuisance weeds-production high biomass-  high against pests and diseases and is not a host-  energy and chemical needs to build low-  good soil erosion 
Mucuna bracteata has advantages or advantages compared other ground cover. Another advantage gained by using ground cover type of legume Mucuna bracteata that besides the seed needed only 200-300 grams / ha and 400 cuttings / ha, this plant is very tight and fast growing ground cover with a thick layer to form, grow vines and roots that in so high potential in rehabilitating the land

Hama Boar And Hedgehog

Palm trees planted in derah-area directly adjacent to the forest can not be separated from their pest problems. Pests most damage in this area is a vertebrate pests, including wild boar and porcupine. Wild boar and porcupine are two types of vertebrate pest which is still difficult to control naturally because of the limitations of their natural enemies. Each region has its development of oil palm pest different.

During this time, the boar is able to live in different conditions and live in groups of 20-30 animals, while hedgehogs live in groups of 3-5 tail but usually in pairs and in the pit-bubang berdarang ground, or in a hole dug near forest woody roots. Both of these animals actively looking for food at night. Symptoms of wild boar marked with tear-off or the discovery of oil palm trees with Ekas umbut eaten, while the hedgehog pests damage plants by way of the young palm cut off the stem and eat the oil palm umbut network. If the part of oil palm trees are attacked by very heavy can result in death of the plant. Oil palm plantation development with such a condition becomes obstructed and often results in failure.

At least for the natural enemies of pests vertebrates and the limited habitat of their lives lead to the development of the pest population is more in the areas of oil palm development. With the current time in damaging pests of oil palm trees at night would make it difficult for people to see and control this pest. The time of day these pests tend to hide. Control of wild boar and porcupine during the hunt, various individual fencing and electric fencing

Know Your Plant Best Materials Palm Oil

As a first step in the implementation of the nursery, of course, the selection of plant material that has become quality is one of the main factors of success in the cultivation of oil palm that has a good quality is produced through a controlled cross between the elders and the elders psfera dura. From the results of a controlled crossover will be produced plant oil palm tenera manifold, which has advantages in oil productivity than the parent. Sprouts quality have physical quality, physiological and genetic quality was good. Then comes the question of how to distinguish the original seeds from seed producers with seeds that a fake? For an expert though, will have trouble distinguishing the original seed (superior) or false if only to see the visual seed. Ask whether or not the seeds will look after the seed is planted and produce fruit. Therefore, the easiest way to obtain superior seed is to buy it directly to the source of the official appointed by the Government. The problem is how to obtain the high-yield seeds.

PPKS (Palm Research Center) as a producer of oil palm seeds of the first and one of the largest this time has produced 12 varieties of palm with their respective advantages. How sprouts ordering in PPKS quite easy, for prospective individual enough to make a request to include a photo copy of identity and a certificate of land ownership / chiefs of the local village. As for the company, made a written request from a company that is accompanied by a certificate of approval of the seed delivery (SP2MB) from local estates department. This SP2MB must have for bookings over 1000 items, this is done to prevent tampering sprouts. After fulfilling these requirements, the buyer just come into the marketing department PPKS.

Safety Tips obtain a superior oil palm seeds
1. Purchase seedling / seed at the appointed The government's producer as a producer of oil palm seeds, one PPKS. Try to come alone, and do not ever represented.
2. Never trust with brokers or person purporting to eject the seeds through the "backdoor". Once you believe, so you will not be fooled.
3. Each sprouts culled in PPKS always destroyed and witnessed by officials PPKS, so do not even believe in the market that claim to sell salvage seeds at low prices.
Purchase Requirements in Oil Palm Sprouts PPKS
A. Individual
- Make a petition on behalf of a private
- A maximum of 1,000 reservations grains, when more than 1,000 seed then must enclose Seed Distribution Agreement (SP2MB) of local Disbun.
- Land ownership certificate of headman / local village heads.
- Copy of driver's license / ID card is still valid.
B. Company
- Make a written request from the company
- Attach SP2MB

Flowers Males Females Can Be Transformed into flower

Most oil palm planters believe that the bias male flowers turn into the female flower. This belief sometimes make planters do treatments technical culture that is based on expectations of production may be more in a short time.

Change the belief of most planters is virtually impossible and not in accordance with the process of formation and development of flowers and fruit on the plant oil palm. Besides, it also happens wrong understanding of the role of the factors of production (eg, water, etc.) to process fruit formation.

Generative development of oil palm trees are divided into several phases:
1 Initiation of flower formation that occurred 44 months before the physiologically mature
2. Formation of flower jewelry that occurred 36 months before the physiologically mature
3. Differentiation of sex that occurred 17 months before the physiologically mature
4. Sensitive flower abortion that occurred 12 months before the physiologically mature
5. anthesis that occurred five months before the physiologically mature.

If the water and nutrient needs of plants is not fulfilled (eg drought) at the time of flower initiation cause failure of flower formation, and during the formation of flower jewelry cause the flower can not continue its development. While drought during sex diferesiasi led to the development of flowers tends to form male flowers, and when sensitive abortion causes fall flowers, as well as at the time of anthesis cause fertilization is not perfect and female flower bunches failed to achieve physiologically mature.

Based on the phases of the generative clear that the formation of male and female flowers on the sexual differentiation process, where if the needs of nutrients and water by plants not mencuupi tends to be formed is the male flowers. Furthermore, after the flowers are formed (undifferentiated) treatments that we provide (eg, fertilizer) will have an impact on fertilization and development of a more perfect flowers female flowers will develop into bunches perfect and male flowers grow perfectly with a good quality pollen for pollination. This means that the male flowers remain to be himself.

Waste Organic Fertilizer Cow Highly Profitable

Cow solid and liquid waste can be used as organic fertilizer that contains better than chemical fertilizers. Organic fertilizer from solid and liquid wastes cattle used in oil palm plantations, in addition to good palm oil itself or the environment, it can also be used to minimize waste and oil palm wasted cows directly.

Today the use of chemical fertilizers has been reduced because it tends to have an adverse impact on the environment . The use of chemical fertilizers with high intensity and large amounts can cause damage to ecosystems and damage to the soil structure . In addition , chemical fertilizers also tend to have a fairly expensive so it would be nice to change mindset and habits of using organic fertilizer utilization of the results of solid and liquid waste cows.

With raw materials readily available, small and medium farmers expected even though large companies can make this breakthrough. Moreover, will look into a unity when cattle dintegrasikan with palm garden. Can be used as an unbroken circle when waste oil palm plantations such as palm fronds used as fodder, further livestock manure as fertilizer cow metabolism of oil palm plantations.

Not without reason, the use of solid and liquid wastes cows into organic fertilizer PPKS based on research showing that the fertilizer has a high enough nutrient elements. It explains that the organic fertilizer from solid and liquid wastes more cows have advantages compared to chemical fertilizers which have been adorning the lives of farmers. But it is undeniable that the use of organic fertilizers only serves as a companion to chemical fertilizers. Due to organic fertilizer has been unable to meet the protein requirements of macro soil and plants thoroughly. The positive side of this is the use of organic fertilizers to minimize the number and cost of chemical fertilizers used by farmers in oil palm plantations. In addition to the advantages described above, as for the various advantages of organic fertilizer compared to chemical fertilizers, which provides mikroganisme kehiduan land which has been a friend of the farmer better that will benefit the growth of roots and sprouts seeds.


Land development and Transition About Pest The development of oil palm plantations each year is increasing very rapidly. Plantation development  typically begins with the opening of new fields of secondary forest area or vacant land into oil palm plantations. Land conversion may cause effects negated in the cultivation of oil palm plantations. One  is a change in pest status or permalahan emergence of pests. The emergence of these problems resulting from the transition of foodstuffs of forest pest organisms into oil palm pests, other than that this  transition will also improve the status of secondary pests become primary pests are supported with  reduced primary pests and natural enemies. One of the transitional status of pests that have been  reported to occur in several oil palm plantations in Riau is the emergence of a new type of caterpillar pests sac. Silkworm sac sac is somewhat different from usual caterpillar attack palm oil, which is Metisa plana, Mahesena corbetti and Pteroma pendula. Symptoms attacks caused by worms sac is also  different from the caterpillar sac that usually attacks the palm.
Symptoms of damage to the palm leaves palm leaves are attacked is to be perforated , such as burning
and milidi dries . Symptoms of damage to the burned palm leaves as a specific characteristic symptoms are common worm attack sac . But symptoms Clania Tertia attacks on palm leaves , leaving only a stick. Common symptoms of worm attacks such as fire . Based on observations in the field with a very high population , damage can result in less header and declining yields next semester . Until now , Clania  Tertia has caused damage to the plant oil palm area of ​​+ 10,000 ha .
Monitoring and Control
Population monitoring method used is a combination of methods Purba and Desmier de chenon using  global observations per month , and observations effective when the pest population has reached a 
critical population threshold . Critical population threshold Clania sp . Is 5-10 individuals per frond .
Physical control
Controlling by quoting the immature larvae ( TBM ) and mounting Light trap for the trapping of adult males to prevent copulation .

Chemical control This control can be done with a variety of
technical , infusion of roots and spraying crops under 7 years old and stem injection to plant over 7 years . The active ingredient is used as acephate at a dose of 10 g / 100ml / principal , and dimehipo with a dose of 10-20ml / principal .

Silkworm these bags is common on acacia plants which is the main host plants. The shift in land use from forest land contained acacia plants into oil palm plantations leads to changes in eating patterns of worm case. This pest is the burst was supported by competitors and the loss of natural enemies that are in the initial habitat, abundant food sources are palm leaves grown in monoculture in a very wide area. Clania, New Pouch Type Worm That Attacks Palm Oil The results conclude that the identification of new types of the caterpillar bag adalaha Clania Tertia. Silkworm sac is classified as very voracious leaf eaters, capable of eating the leaves of + 4.789 cm / day. Spacious eating area larger than the area of ​​eating Metisa plana + 2.833 cm / day and Mahasena corbetti + 3.448 cm / day. Spacious dining area wider than Metisa plana and Mahasena corbetti confirms that Clania as voracious leaf defoliator.

Nurseries Palm Oil

Seed is one of the critical success factor in oil palm plantations. Good seed will only be obtained if the use of improved seed from official sources handled properly in accordance with the standards of the oil palm nursery. Oil palm nursery formerly done by planting directly on the ground in the area of ​​the nursery (nursery field), but this way has many drawbacks amount of competition problems with weed seeds, the amount of fertilizer lost through washed, and many other disadvantages. This mature oil palm nursery has undergone many significant progress.

At this time, known as 2 (two) system palm nurseries, which are: 1. Breeding one stage (single stage) and 2. Seedling two-stage (double stage). At one stage nursery seed planted directly in a large polybag. In the two-stage seeding seeds are planted in small polybags for 3 months or called the nursery early (pre Nursery), then moved to a polybag seedlings large or referred to as the main breeding (Main Nursery). Double-stage seeding system is breeding is mostly done by the oil palm planters today.

Before doing nursery should do some preparations, including the preparation of nurseries, nursery administration, and infrastructure development as the carrying capacity of the nursery.Selection of thelocation of the  nursery became one of the most important things to ease the implementation of the nursery. Selection  of nurseries in general must meet the following criteria: Nursery acreage cultivated  area is a flat (flat) not flooded or flooded during the rainy season.Nursery should be close to a water source (river) so that  the seeds can obtain water during in seedling. Cultivated nursery not far from the planned planting area, this is in addition to minimizing transportation costs, as well as to minimize the risk of damage due to the transport of seedlings.The location is easily accessible nursery so easy to supervise. And the nursery should be free from interference livestock, and oil palm plant pests and diseases, especially diseases stem rot (Ganoderma sp). In addition to selecting the right location, construction infrstukrut such as water tanks, water pipelines and its distribution right has also become an important factor in plant breeding activities of palm oil.

PREPARATION INITIAL BREEDING Selection polybag In general, a standard measure used in the polybag nursery early stage (Pre Nursery) are: width 150 cm, height 22 cm, and a thickness of about 0.1 mm. otherwise it should have a black polybag so that the roots can develop optimally. charging polybag Polybag should be selected to fill the loose soil (usually giunakan top soil) are of course free of germs. Before polybags filled with soil should be reversed (the inside into a wide section) in order polibeg can stand upright once filled with soil. Making Beds The pile is built with a size of 1.2 m x 8 m restricted with small as timber or flat cross-section so that the composition of upright polybag. Watering so that water does not stagnate dibedengan the seedbed surface is usually made higher than the surrounding ground level. Before drafting polibeg in the beds should be carried out by spraying an insecticide / nematicide that bendengan be Stril of pests and diseases.

Making shade The seedling
Shade the seedlings early (pre Nursery) is necessary to regulate the entry of sunlight 
in accordance with the needs of plants so that the plants can grow well. Shade is made with a height 
of 2.5 meters with a width + is generally adjusted by the number of beds that are shaded 
(generally 2-3 beds). Roof shade can be made from palm or reed leaves tied in such a way, while pole  shade can be made of wood or bamboo. So that sufficient sunlight for the plants it is necessary to
reduce the shade in line with the aging of the seeds. To that after 2.5 month old seedlings, the reductionof shade as much as one frond every 2 weeks.

Mistakes are often made farmers in handling multi seed embryo is no separation of the seeds are derived from multi embryos to be planted in the ground or throw one seed that comes from multi seed embryo .

Seed Handling TwinsUtilization of twin seedlings (multi embryo) is very important, because it can save considerable cost.

Based on observing the results of which can be done dikatan that the overall growth of seedlings separation twin seedlings have smaller growth than single seed. Genetically seedlings originating from seed multi embryos can be used as plant material if other factors, especially the performance of growth
in phenotype, can qualify to be planted. Multi embrio seed seedling origin have smaller in PN compared to seeds derived from a single embryo because it is associated with a backup supply of food for growth. Seedling growth is also slower when in MN for their stagnation factor when moving from  PN to MN. To enhance the growth of seedling origin of seeds multi embryo fertilization extra , for pembibita  recommended initial dose is pembrian fertilizer urea fertilizer or compound fertilizer with concentration of each 0.1 to 0.2 % and from 0.15 to 0.30 % by the time application once every week .


The role of the Fire and Silkworm Silkworm Pouch

Caterpillars fire and caterpillars bag is one type of palm leaf-eating caterpillars that most often lead to huge losses in oil palm plantations. Severe attacks of caterpillars fire can reduce production by 70% in the first year after the attacks, and may reach 90%. Silkworm bag is one that many of us have encountered pest attack on oil palm plantations. Hallmark of caterpillar bag is to live in a building like sac derived from pieces of leaves, flower stalks of the host plant, around the area of ​​the attack. Very active sac larvae eat while making the bag of leaf pieces were a bit rough or coarse. Furthermore, the larvae move and eat by simply removing the head and front legs of the hole. The larvae initially located on the upper surface of leaves, but after switching the greater sac hanging surface section under palm leaves.
The types of fire caterpillars commonly found is Setothosea asigna, Setora nitens, Darna trina, Darna 
diducta, and Darna bradleyi. Caterpillar type of fire most merupasak in Indonesia is S. asigna, 
S. Nitens and D. Trina. Sethosea asigna van Eecke is one of the most important fire caterpillar on a 
plant oil palm in Indonesia. Caterpillar says to fire as pests that often cause heavy damage and very 
harmful. Larval stage lasts for 49-50 days and were able to spend palm leaf blade measuring 400 cm or
approximately four palm leaves. The attack larvae of S. asigna in the field generally result palm leaves
out very quickly and shaped sticks. The plant can not produce bunches production for 2-3 years if an 
attack has occurred very heavy. Generally, symptoms begin attack from the bottom leaf to leaf blade 
perforated finally exhausted and the only remaining bone leaves. This caterpillar is very greedy, able 
to consume 300-500 cm palm leaf per day. The population level 5-10 larvae per stem of a critical
population of these pests in the field and control measures must be taken immediately.

Metisa plana is one type of caterpillar sac that usually attacks in the oil palm plantation area of ​​North Sumatra . M. palana larval stage consists of 4-5 instars and lasts about 50 days , but the number of instars can be increased in a bad state when the larvae fail to reach a certain threshold size to become a pupa . At the time chrysalis , smooth outer surface , a length of about 15 mm and hang like hooks on the surface of the leaf Dawah . Pupal stage lasts 25 days . Moths M. plana female can produce as many as 100-300 grains during his lifetime . M Plana larvae usually hatch synchronously bag female pupa within 18 days and after 15 days the sac larvae will come out either simultaneously or in small groups . The release of the larvae of the bag tergentung on the weather , sunlight and wind .
Although today has some of the ways pendalian caterpillar pests fire , but the use of synthetic chemical 

insecticides destruction masik common way in oil palm plantations , especially in times of population  explosion . The highly effective way to reduce pest populations , so that the oil palm trees can be 
protected from damage . To get the fire control caterpillars and caterpillars bag is good, then before the new types of insecticides recommended for use , first performed testing of the insecticide to be used  which is expected to be selective for the target pest and influence whether fitotoksisitasnya against palm oil . Klorantraniliprol is one of the active ingredients of synthetic chemical insecticides are  thought to have a higher efficacy against larval stage of the insect order Lepidoptera .


 foul Pupus

Pupus rot disease is one disease that is known to have attacked oil palm in various parts of the world. The disease attacks and cause damage to young tissue (dashed). Pupus foul appeared in various types of symptoms, which became known by various names according to the appearance of symptoms in the field.

Pupus foul or better known as spear rot is an important disease in Latin America because of the loss that has caused very high. In Southeast Asia, including Indonesia spear rot disease is still relatively minor illnesses because of the intensity of the attacks and the loss rate is still low. However, the new - this new disease began to rot spear found in some plantations in North Sumatra. In oil palm plantations peatland located in Sibolga, North Sumatera, attack spear rot found in oil palm plantation area of ​​immature (TBM) with a very high attack rate. Meanwhile diperkebunan mineral lands in the district Simalungun and Begadai Serdang, North Sumatra spear rot diseases known to attack plants and plants producing TBM (TM) was 5 years old.

Pathogens originator of disease
Almost all pathogen suspected to be associated with rot disease were dashed that a common characteristic, that is pathogen weak that its existence was detected in many ecosystems and attack various crops, invade and grow in the plant tissue that has been weakened by environmental stress, and attacked the meristem tissue actively growing particularly on shoots and roots. Generally, some pathogens can be isolated from the same plant. Therefore, the use of different types of pesticides (fungicides, nematicides, bactericides and insecticides) are often used together in one plant to prevent or control this disease.
Know the symptoms of disease in foul dashed.
In the early stages of its development, rot disease symptoms vanished difficult to recognize so difficult for early detection of disease in the field. The initial symptoms of the disease is generally characterized by the appearance of patches of necrosis on leaves some children at one or more leaf spear and then widened to the entire leaf.
Trigger factors of disease 
Some of the trigger factor that has been linked to attacks including spear rot : poor soil aeration ( due to poor soil structure , soil compaction , poor drainage , etc. ) and plant nutritional imbalance , especially when the intake of nitrogen in plants .